Garmin InReach Mini

With some pressure from my daughter and a couple others close to me, I caved in and purchased the Garmin InReach Mini.
There’s not much I can say beyond what you’ve probably already read elsewhere or whats available at the link above.
I would like to address a few things in regard to the emergency use of these devices:
First and foremost – Ensure that you are indeed in an emergency!
If you can not self-rescue then hit that button!!! But be damn sure that it’s an emergency, please! When you start a search by sending that SOS, you are in fact putting others lives in danger. People will indeed be coming to help you, but given terrain, weather and more you are putting others at risk.
There’s the argument that yes, they signed up for this as a part of their paid (or volunteer) time on that rescue department, Search And Rescue team or whatever agency they are with. However, your inability to care for yourself in a non-life-threatening emergency should *never* endanger others.
I realize that’s a little blunt and borders on callousness, but if you look at the realities involved I think you’ll understand.
You should always attempt self-rescue in non-life-threatening situations.
Learn basic back country/wilderness first aid! Learn First Aid period! Take CPR courses! If you’re an REI member (if not, join!) check out your local store or their website for Wilderness Medicine courses.
Feeling more adventurous? Search for Wilderness Medical training.There’s tons of it available from multiple entities. If you’re a Basic, Intermediate EMT or Paramedic, then you’re off to a good start, but still have a lot to learn. ALS in a city is a whole different scenario than back country ALS.